Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog about an "unpopular topic" called "The Tribulation After The Rapture". Why is this event important? Well remember that the Bible talks about Christians getting ready for Jesus' coming right? How He'll come back in a twinkling of an eye and how the dead in Christ shall rise first and living saints will be caught up in the air! That's in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and it will be a glorious time for the Christian being with the Lord and reuniting with loved ones who served the Lord too. But what will happen to nonbelievers and folks who are backslidden? Well unfortunately they will have to go through what the Bible calls "The Tribulation period". Don't confuse that with going through "regular tribulations". What's a regular tribulation? A regular tribulation is another way of saying trials, storms, or hard times. "Tribulation" with a capital T is a specific seven year time period where those left behind who didn't follow Christ will have to go through. Many nonbelievers and folks who are backslidden will be looking for people but won't be able to find them. The Christian movies "A Thief In The Night" (1972), "A Distant Thunder", (1978) and "Left Behind" (2000) with Kirk Cameron do a good job portraying people looking for people but can't find them. Parents looking for children, co-workers looking for co-workers, teachers looking for teachers and students looking for teachers, people looking for drivers, and folks on a plane looking for people but won't be able to find them. Family members husbands looking for wives wives looking for their husbands, folks looking for cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc but won't be able to find them because the rapture happened! It will be a world of chaos, civil unrest, and people being traumatized in the most horrifying way. It will be a time of war, God's judgments, (the book of Revelations goes into great detail about that) the Antichrist pressuring people to take the Mark 666 on their hand and forehead, the Jews being persecuted and fleeing to the wilderness for safety, and it will take a days wages to use gold to buy food! Wow! What about those who in the Tribulation period who will refuse the Mark of the beast? They will be tormented to do so. Those people will be Gentiles that Jewish Christians had led those Gentiles to Christ while Jewish Christians will escape the Antichrist Gentiles who got saved with the help of Jewish Christians will be martyred for refusing it. Why is it important to know? As I said earlier people will be looking for folks but won't be able to find them! We need to pray for our loved ones to get saved or come back to Christ before the rapture so at the rapture they will get to go home to heaven with us and with the Lord do they don't get left behind! Plus folks won't want to be here when the Antichrist is on the scene forcing people to take 666 and torture people who won't. People will get saved during the Tribulation period with the help of Jewish Christians (144,000) and the two witnesses (it's believed to be Moses and Elijah) who will share the gospel with Gentiles but it will be even harder to be a Christian in that time period. Jewish Christians will flee to the wilderness and folks they and the two of lead to Christ (Gentiles) will be killed. The time to get serious about ones salvation is now not later. I've been sharing this in my Bible study this past month as well too. It's not easy to hear but necessary. That's what I wanted to share with y'all and pray that it will motivate you Christian to prepare for the rapture and loved ones so we don't have to endure the Tribulation period. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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