Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I know it's election day and I could have easily written a blog about it. But I know that politics is a sensitive topic and I know I could talk about it but the Lord put on my heart to share this blog. The title for this blog is called "Why Don't Preachers Talk About The End Times?" Well I'm gonna express why it's a concern for me. Number one I used to hear about the End Times growing up all the time. I used to hear it in songs, sermons, and even movies. Such as 1972 "A Thief In The Night", 1996 "The Moment After" starring David AR White, and 2000 "Left Behind" starring Kirk Cameron and his wife Chelsea Noble. But I don't hear many "prominent leaders" and local pastors talk about as much anymore. Also I've been sharing about it in my Bible study this past month. I'll reveal some reasons why I believe that it could be. Number one the End Times is a complex subject. I know because I've been teaching it this past month and there is a lot to cover from the rapture, Tribulation, Second Coming, Millennial reign, judgment of the wicked, and New Heavens and new earth. It's a whole lot to cover and perhaps some avoid because of the length of it. Number two they may avoid because they fear it may scare people away and lose "members" because of it. Well here's the thing telling the truth isn't easy but important. The bottom line is they must care more what God thinks over what people think and preach the truth. I believe especially for leaders with "mega churches" may especially worry about that too much even though they shouldn't. Third reason is lack of understanding of the book of Revelation or lack divine revelation/lack of study. Here's the point you need "divine revelation" to understand the book of Revelations! Also the Bible says to study to show thyself approved and divide the Word of truth. The fourth reason is those who did preach it either are old or have went home to heaven. Because of that there's fewer in the next generation sharing about the End Times message. The fifth reason is they're apathetic or they're "spiritual asleep". The last reason I believe is the most dangerous reason. Some preachers don't care or aren't aware spiritually like they should which puts the Church as a whole in "spiritual slumber". Jesus said in the gospel accounts to "keep watch" because we know not when He'll come again. They're doing the opposite what our Lord said! These are the reasons why I believe many ministers both local and prominent don't share about the End Times like they should. But God told me that regardless of what other leaders are doing I'm gonna talk about it. Whether in my Bible study, my blogs, (before the holiday season) and even songs of need be! The End Times needs to be discussed regardless of its popular or not! That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Tuesday, go out and vote, and have a blessed week everyone.
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