Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. I'm taking a break from Black History and the title i have for the blog is called "Valentine's Day From My Perspective". Valentine's Day will be this upcoming Friday and I know this holiday can bring alot of emotions. For some who are dating, engaged, married, or remarried it's something to look forward to. For others who are divorced, widowed, or single (like myself for now anyway) a day like that can be challenging. Here's the thing. Valentine's Day is what I call a "Hallmark holiday" that specializes in romantic love. Is there anything wrong with that? No of course not. But there are other types of love out there besides romantic love. I want to share them in this blog. There's storage love which is family love. There's phileo love which equals friendship love. (Side note Philadelphia means "City of brotherly love".) There's agape which means unconditional/sacrificial love which is the love of God and a soldiers love for sacrificing themselves for their country. Of course there's Eros which is romantic love but there's another one that I've overlooked. God and research showed me and that is Philautia and what's that? It's healthy self love. Now I'm not talking about being arrogant, selfish, or being abusive with no regard for others because sadly people can abuse self love. No I'm talking about loving oneself in a healthy and God honoring way. Honestly that love has been tricky for me something that the Lord has to work on me about. Those are the five different types of love. For Valentine's Day the past five years I've been doing what I call "Singles Night Out" for singles on Valentine's Day. We get together at a restaurant if my choice and eat dinner, do a short devotional, and exchange Valentine treats. I've been doing that the past five years because the years prior to that I talked about how much I hated Valentine's Day. But God has had to change my prescriptive and doing events like that has helped me. The Bible mentions in 1 Corinthians 13 a well familiar passage of Scripture that talks about the importance of love and without love we're nothing. Our culture preaches that message too but they use it in the romantic love context. But the Bible talks about a different kind of love and 1 Corinthians 13 talks about what God's love is like and how it's important for us God's people to demonstrate love towards Him and to others. I believe that God's people need to be bold about God's love and show it on Valentine's Day and all year long. We need to celebrate yes romantic love but also celebrate God's love. God always gives me a "love song" every year since 2021 or He'll send me someone to demonstrate His love for me as well. On Valentine's Day this year I'll celebrate God's love, friendship love, and self love. God reminds me that He loves me whether I have a romantic relationship or not. Plus I honor and celebrate others who are like myself and do a party for them on Valentine's Day until God gives me a romantic relationship. I look forward to celebrating Valentine's Day with my romantic partner but until then I'm hosting "Singles Night Out" on Valentine's Day. As we get closer to Valentine's Day remember and thank God for His love. We didn't deserve God's love but He loved us anyway when He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross. Out of that love can we love Him, ourselves, and others. Remember there are other ways to show love like helping people in need and encouraging and being there for others who feel forgotten like I'm going to. For those who have a significant other thank God that you have one and honor your marriage vows. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, have a good week, and happy Valentine's Day week!
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