Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog called "Will Church Age Christians Endure The Tribulation?" Well I'm sure we've all asked that question sometime or another. Here's the thing. I believe first of all there has always been people who served God and lived for Him at different time periods. For example there's the Old Testament saints. Who are they? People like Noah, Moses, Joshua, King David, Queen Esther, Deborah, Gideon, Ruth, Naomi, the Old Testament prophets etc. After the Old Testament period was over we transitioned to the New Testament era. There's the New Testament/Church Age saints. We know the disciples especially Peter and John the Revelator, the Apostle Paul, Mary Magdalene other people in the New Testament Scriptures. The New Testament age is continuing on with Christians who are living for Christ today all the way down to you and me who love the Lord! But as I said before the rapture will happen and the dead in Christ from the Church Age and living saints will meet the Lord in the air as the Bible says and we'll be in heaven for seven years. Now that being said nonbelievers and wayward people (folks who once walked with the Lord but drifted away) will be left behind on the earth. I believe that people will get saved during the Tribulation period but the New Testament/Church Age saints won't be here during the Tribulation period because of the rapture! Hallelujah! Revelations 7 talks about the 144,000 that are Jewish people and they'll be the first ones to "convert to Christianity" during the Tribulation period and they'll be the ones who will lead nonbelievers who are Gentiles who got left behind to Christ. Of course there will be many nonbeliever Gentiles who sadly will reject Christ during the Tribulation period and take the Mark of the Beast 666 and such. The answer is during the Tribulation period Jews will become Christians sharing the gospel of Christ with nonbelievers who are Gentiles and lead many to Christ while other Gentiles will reject the gospel and take the mark. What will happen to these "Tribulation saints?" Well Jewish Christians mentioned in Matthew 24 and the book of Revelations will have to flee to the wilderness to escape the Antichrist and will be preserved. But the Gentile Christians that these Jewish Christians led to Christ will suffer traumatically because they will refuse the Mark of the beast and even killed for refusing it! So that's why I mentioned in a different blog the best time for us to walk with the Lord and our loved ones living for Christ is now during the Church Age when we have the freedom to serve and love the Lord not later during the Tribulation period. That's why I'm working out my salvation now so I can make the rapture! Believe me the Bible says in Matthew 24 that Jesus said that the Tribulation period will be unlike any other time in history and it will be bad that those days need to be cut short otherwise no one would survive! Those words have come out of the Son of God's mouth and that's huge! Bottom line is live for Christ now and prepare for the rapture so you don't have to endure what the "Tribulation saints" (Jewish Christians and Gentile saints) have endure. So the answer is the New Testament/Church Age saints wont be here during the Tribulation period and I'm thankful for that even though people will get saved during that time period. That's what I wanted to share with y'all today. I know that unfortunately the End Time messages don't get talked about like it should but it needs to. Blessings, happy Tuesday, and have a blessed week everyone.
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