Hi ladies and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are you well. I'm happy to present another blog called "New Year New Habits". (I'm a different blog I'll share about what I did in my birthday!) Why is that important? I heard a wise saying go. "If you always did what you've always done you'll get the same results". Another old saying goes "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and gets the same results". I'm sure we've all been there at some point. But something important is we must have a new mindset of certain things this year. Well for instance I know that mindsets are not easy to change. I know that from experience. I'm sure that's why the Bible says in Romans 12:2 "Be not conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind". Even psychologists have said "It takes time to unlearn certain things". What areas do you think you need for God to help you change? Believe me all of us could use help in that area. Perhaps you need more time to pray and read the Bible. Perhaps you need the Spirit of God to refine your character. Perhaps you may need to let go of toxic relationships and embrace new ones. Perhaps you may need need to set financial goals, go back to college, or finish college. Perhaps you need to get a better job with better benefits or start a ministry or business or grow them. But change first starts with the mind. In fact do you know that repentance actually means "change?" Also revolution means change too. Repentance means change of mind and heart and overtime change of action or direction. It applies both naturally and spiritually. I believe that repentance also means making a "U-turn". A driver knows what that means. A person drives a direction either goes too far and have to circle back around. I'm thankful that God gives us the ability to make "U-turns"! I know that all of us can grow in various areas. Isn't that a part of life too? Growth also should be a mindset too. I don't desire to be stagnant and neither should any of you ladies. Wouldn't it be sad that at the end of our lives that we look back and regret not doing different things? What I mean by that is people are in the latter stage of life (getting older) regret apart from not spending time with family like they could have but regret not risking more when they were younger. Listen people it starts with our thinking. What are thoughts we have to unlearn? I want to encourage y'all in this area especially because in order to change habits change our thinking. Habits and thinking go hand in hand. For your habits to change thinking and ask God to help you change your thinking. This is something I need to grow in too because none of us not even I have "arrived". I know I need this reminder just as much as y'all do if not more! That's something I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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