HI ladies and happy April! We're finally in the month of April! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. The title for the blog I have is called ''The Similarities And Differences Of Holy Week And Passover''. Side note we had just come off celebrating ''holy week'' last week honoring the life of Christ's last week on earth from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Now we're gonna compare the similarities of these precious moments. Number one is how Passover occurred. Passover occurred when the Jews were enslaved in Egypt and God sent plagues to Pharaoh for his disobedience mentioned in the book of Exodus. In fact Exodus means ''exit''! God sent plague of the firstborn and the Jews were commanded by the Lord to put blood on the doorpost so the death angel would ''passover'' it. That's my first point. The second point I'd like to make is while Christ and the disciples did ''Passover'' meal He transitioned it to ''communion''. Communion got established during the Passover celebration! Isn't that something? The Jews ate bread without yeast and the disciples certainly did it but Christ established something new during ''Passover''. Another point I'd like to make is that the Jews in the Old Testament were commanded by God to take a male lamb with no blemish and kill it and present it to the priest. Well Jesus' perfect Lamb of God was crucified on the cross also during Passover! Not only that, it was during ''Passover'' that ''Good Friday'' took place Christ's death on the cross! The truth is even though throughout the centuries many Jews killed male lambs for their sacrifice it could cleanse the outside but not the consciousness of a person. But it had to be for sin to be dealt with. In fact it says in the book of Hebrews 9;22 ''Without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin''. The male lambs were to be symbols of Christ's death on the cross for our sins! Even John the Baptist Jesus' cousin declared HIm as ''The Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world'' in the book of John 1! Another point I want to make is that God commanded the Jews celebrate ''Passover'' once a year to remember their Exodus of Eygpt. Even though God never commanded us His people to honor ''holy week'' from the Bible I believe it's a wonderful thing that we His people never forget Christ's sacrifice and have time set aside to remember it. Many people do communion, watch Jesus movies, attend Good Friday and Easter service, (most of us did that recently) to remember what our Lord did. The last point I'd like to make is the ''Passover'' perserved the Jews from physically dying from the death angel while Christ's death preserves us from ''spiritual death''. The Bible says in Romans 3;23 ''All have sinned and come short of the glory of God'' ever since the fall of Adam. We were ''spiritually'' separated from God the Father but Christ bridged that gap for us. But of course we know that Christ rose again and we recently celebrated that! So that's what I wanted to share with y'all today. I pray that this blog encouraged y'all to know why ''holy week'' and ''Passover'' are similar but different but are worth honoring and remembering. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings and have a good week in the Lord everyone.
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