Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog to y'all and it's called ''Passover And Communion''. In this blog I'm gonna share some history (I love history!) about the significance of both and why they're significant. First I'll talk about Passover. I in a previous blog explained how Passover went and it got established while the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. I know a lot of you know the story of Moses and the plagues that came on Egypt or most of you should know that anyway. It's talked about in Exodus 12 (Exodus means exit) about God warning the Jews about the death angel coming and killing the firstborn human and animals but they were to take a year old male lamb and slaughter it and put blood over the doorpost. If they did that, the death angel would ''passover'' it and keep going. Why would such a plague come upon Egypt? Because stubborn Pharaoh didn't obey God or care about the nine other plagues! (You can read the earlier chapters in Exodus for yourself or watch ''The Ten Commandments'' movie to figure that out!) So God used this last plague to judge Pharaoh and the rest of the Egyptians and because the Egyptians didn't have blood on their doorpost, the death angel killed their firstborn human and animals! The Egyptians from the least to the greatest all got affected by the death angel but the Jews were unharmed because they had the blood on their doorpost! God commanded the Jews to honor and remember that for generations to come. Then now we come to the New Testament. Christ and the disciples in all four accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John celebrated and honored the Passover as they had done so many times before. But as I said in a previous blog, when Christ came on the scene He shifted things. It was during Passover, Christ ''shifted gears'' if you will and instituted what we call communion. The Jews were accustomed to unleavened bread without yeast and juice and Christ used those things too. We know that Jesus said. ''Take the bread and eat for it My body broken for you.'' Of course I imagine the disciples had no idea what Christ meant but on ''Good Friday'' that we honored a couple weeks ago they would probably understand what that it was! Before Christ died on the cross He was scourged 39 times or more than that to fulfil what it said in Isaiah 53;5 ''By His stripes we are healed.'' Then Christ took the cup and said. ''It's the new testament of My blood poured out for you.'' The Bible says in Hebrews 9;22 ''Without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin''. Remember that the Jews for centuries would take male lamb without blemish and kill it to cover their sins? Well that was to be a substitute until Christ's death on the cross on Good Friday took care of the sin problem once for all! Christ today is our Passover Lamb because He's without blemish because He's the Son of God and Son of Man who was brutally killed to make us right with the Father! Passover today for us is communion! The Apostle Paul through the Holy Spirit said in 1 Corinthians 11;26 ''For whenever you eat the bread and drink you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes''. So just as the Jews were to honor Passover every year so we God's people should honor communion as well too. No matter your church denomination, big or small church size, in person or online, once a year or multiple times a year we are to remember what our Lord did for us! I plan to do that more during Bible study times too! (My church New Life Assembly of God does it once a month.) That's what I wanted to share with y'all. I hope and pray this blog ministered to y'all and hope y'all appreciate our Lord more. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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