HI ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day and Happy Easter! Hallelujah our Lord has risen today! Also Easter Sunday concludes ''holy week'' and this is also the last day of March. All throughout this month, I've been honoring women in the past and present. Today for this blog I'm gonna be honoring our Lord's resurrection as well as the first witnesses of His resurrection! The resurrection is mentioned in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20 all four gospel accounts record this! Remember Christ was crucified on Good Friday and I shared in a previous blog how the ''wailing women'' supported Jesus and was there for Him in His darkest time. I've mentioned that His beloved mother the Blessed Virgin Mary was there, His dear friends Mary Magdalene, (she was possessed by seven devils not a prostitute!) Joanna, wife of Cuza, (Cuza worked for Herod Antipas son of Herod the Great) Salome, (likely the wife of Zebedee, mother of James and John the beloved, likely the virgin Mary's sister, and Christ's aunt!) Mary the mother of James and Joses and wife of Alpheus, (This James is James the younger not James the Just. James the Just half brother of Christ didn't get saved until after the resurrection and before Christ's ascension) and Susanna were mourning the death of Christ and stood by the Virgin Mary's side. Then the Bible says that Joseph, a religious leader of Arimathea, requested the body of Christ and buried Him in a garden tomb. Then they appointed Roman soldiers to watch guard over the tomb as well. Well Mary Magdalene and the rest of the women I mentioned (maybe Jesus' mother came but we're unsure) came to anoint spices on Jesus' body because it was the custom to do that. Well as the Bible says an earthquake occurred and an angel from heaven descended and rolled the stone away! The earthquake and the angel's appearance glowing with the shekinah glory of God shaked the Roman soldiers so much that shook and became like dead men! I think it's safe to say they got slain in the spirit lol! Of course the women were terrified too but the angel said. ''Do not fear the Lord Jesus who was crucified isn't here but He has risen just as He said. Go tell His disciples and Peter He is going ahead of you in Galilee!'' Can you imagine what was going through those ladies' minds when they heard that Jesus rose from the dead? Three days ago they were mourning His brutal death on the cross for their sins and ours sins but now He's alive! John's account mentions that Mary Magdalene wept by herself trying to figure out what happened to Jesus and she saw Christ whom she thought was a gardener. He asked her why she wept and then He revealed who He was! A woman got to see Him alive first! Then in Matthew 28 Mary Magdalene reunited with her lady friends and then Jesus appeared again and they fell at His feet and worshipped Him. But our Lord said unto them. ''Do not be afraid. Go and tell the disciples to go to Galilee and there they will see Me.'' Luke and Mark's account said that the women of Galilee came back and told the disciples Jesus had risen but they did not believe them! Another thing to note is back then a woman's testimony in court was not widely accepted and perhaps the disciples thought what they said was crazy. We don't know why but the male disciples did not believe them and we know later Jesus appeared to them and rebuked them for their lack of faith and ate in front of them. The point is the first witnesses of the resurrection were women not the male disciples! That shows how much our Lord loves all people and wants to reveal Himself to all people especially because women back then were treated like ''second class citizens'' and the women of Galilee were female disciples too. Also not only to honor the Easter story and in conclusion of ''Women's History Month'' I'm honoring our Lord being risen and the women of Galilee who were the first to see Him! Hallelujah He has risen! I hope and pray that this blog encourages y'all, enjoy your time in God's house, and time with family, also this is the concluding blog to honor ''Women's History Month''. Our Lord's resurrection promises those who accept Him as Lord and Savior will be ''spiritually resurrected'' (before Christ because of the fall we were ''spiritually dead'') and 1 Corinthians 15 promises a bodily resurrection the rapture and all those who trusted Christ will experience a bodily resurrection when Jesus returns someday! Blessings, happy Easter, and have a blessed week in the Lord everyone!
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