Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day. I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog for ''Mental Health Awareness Month''. the title I have for the blog is called ''Mental Health And The Elijah Story''. I know some of you may think ''What does Elijah have anything to do with mental health?'' Well I'm glad you asked! Well the Bible talks about it in 1 Kings 19 this took place after the three year famine in Israel, after Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, and after God sent fire from heaven and brought revival to Israel (I'm believing God to do the same for our country for His all consuming ''spiritual fire'' to fall on America!) is when Queen Jezebel got so angry at the prophet Elijah and told her husband King Ahab she's gonna kill him as he killed the prophets of Baal! What did Elijah do? The Bible says he ran far far away! Not only did he get this, Elijah prayed to the Lord for him to die! Wow! I wonder how many of us would be that ''brutally'' honest with God and pray to Him to die prematurely? What does die prematurely mean? I heard my dad and others explain that dying prematurely was dying before the age of seventy and older! We know that Elijah would be taken up to heaven in a chariot mentioned in 2 Kings but it wasn't time for Elijah to die or go to heaven yet! Simply put Elijah had ''suicidal thoughts'' after a major victory in his life! I want you ladies to know that people in the Bible were human just like you and I are! So if you hear someone say they have suicidal thoughts don't judge them and remind them of this story. Having suicidal thoughts is not a joke it's serious. If someone does have suicidal thoughts they need to get help. First pray for them and pray that the Lord would change their mind or prevent them from comimtting suicide and they may need to see a counselor. What did God do for Elijah? Well God sent food to him and an angel to strengthen him on the journey. Elijah later went to the mountain and God asked him what he was doing there. Did God already know the answer? Yes He knew the answer but He wanted Elijah to be honest. Then God enabled the wind to blow, an earthquake, or a fire to pass by but the Lord was not in any of those things. After the fire a still small voice asked Elijah why he was there. Elijah prayed again for God to take his life and the beautiful thing about God is that God did not answer that prayer! God instead told him to ''get busy'' to anoint two kings one in Syria and Jehu over Israel and to raise up Elisha to be the next major prophet. How did Elijah snap out of ''suicidal thoughts''? By being in the presence of God and then God giving him a mission. Ladies I don't know what's going on in your life or the lives of those you know. When you're broken or have suicidal thoughts I pray that's a sign for us to remind ourselves to be in God's presence or to get help in counseling. Also Elijah rested and ate, and then God told him to fulfil his mission. God telling him to go about his mission snapped him out of suicide. God ehlped Elijah work past his suicidal thoughts and if God could help him with that how much can He help us and those we love with suicidal thoughts? Pray for yourself and others who have suicidal thoughts, get help, and remind yourself or someone else they have a purpose in life. Also remind people how valuable life is as well. That's what I wanted to share with you ladies. Blessings, have a good Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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