Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. I'm happy to be back with another blog this week and the title I have for this blog is called ''Importance Of Mental Health''. For those of you that may or may not be aware the month of May is ''Mental Health Awareness Month''. Now let's be honest here. For so many years the topic talking about mental health has been such a huge stigma in our society. To make matters worse I have seen mental health affect Christians and nonChristians alike dealing with trauma, anxiety, mental disorders to the point where both parties have refused to get help. In fact I've seen when people have tried to get help unfortunately ''well meaning people'' (sadly loved ones) strongly discouraged folks from getting help. The fact of the matter is people can look okay on the outside but on the inside but a total mess and some people wear a ''mask'' that all is well to the point that some eventually commit suicide where it shocks loved ones wondering what went wrong. The truth is all of us are gonna need help at sometime whether it be from God or from each other. So when someone expresses concern for mental health don't say it's not important because it is. Another point I want to make is that God made us as human beings spirit, soul, and body. What does that mean? It means that we have a physical body which is ''self-explanatory'' . Then He gave us a spirit we can only connect with God through our spirit seeing our need for Christ at salvation and after salvation receiving the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Then there's our soul which makes up our mind, will, and emotions. It seems interesting to me how many of us God's people know the importance of our bodies because we pray for physical healing don't we? In fact the Bible tells us in the book of James 5 to do so and other Scriptures! We also know that it's critical for us to connect with God at salvation and we pray for the lost (those that don't know Christ personally) and for the wayward (those who once knew the Lord but drifted away from Him) don't we? Of course we should! But it seems like whenever mental health is addressed, Christians seem to think people are crazy or it's not a big deal. Here's the thing, friends. If we know how important it is to pray for the lost to get saved, the prodigal to come back to Christ, and for us to pray for the sick whether or not they know Christ as important, we should have the same attitude with mental illness. In other words we should recognize that mental illness is a problem just like sin is and treat it as an illness just like we do with cancer, diabetes, or even a common cold period! Mental illness is worth the time researching, being aware of it, and most of all praying for people who have it. That's the reason why I wrote this blog. This blog is more of an ''introduction'' to mental illness and as this month progresses, I'm gonna be sharing with you ladies more insight from research as well as what God has been showing me about it and what we need to do about it. Blessings to each of you ladies and I hope and pray that each of y'all have a blessed week in the Lord.
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