Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. Of course many of y'all know it's Women's History Month'' but not only is this week ''Women's History Month'' it's also ''Holy week'' which got started two days ago on Palm Sunday. (I also wrote a blog for that and hope y'all read that!) Anyway, in honor of ''Women's History Month'' and ''Holy Week'' the women I'm gonna be honoring are the ''wailing women'' at the foot of the cross. Of course Good Friday will be this upcoming Friday and it's honoring Christ's death on the cross. There are movies such as 'The Passion Of The Christ'', ''Son Of God'', ''Jesus of Nazereth'' miniseries among other films that also honor that as well. What I want to emphasize is what took place when Christ died on the cross and to emphasize that even though Christ had people unfortunately mock Him at the cross such as the Roman soldiers, the Pharisees, the crowd, and sadly the thief on the cross on His left, there were people in the crowd who loved Him very much. The crucifiction is mentioned in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 19 it mentions the brutality our Lord went through for us willing to take the punishment of our sins upon Himself to put us back in right standing with Father God. Not only that, all four accounts mention there were ''wailing women'' at the foot of the cross who were absolutely heartbroken over Christ's brutal death knowing that He didn't deserve to die. Who were the ''wailing women''? All four accounts mention who they were, one of them was Mary Magdalene. Her name usually shows up first and all four accounts. What's her background? Contrary to many thinking she was the prostitute that poured oil on Jesus' feet at the Pharisee's house in Luke 7 (that happened but it was a different woman) she actually was possessed by seven demons mentioned in Luke 8 before she got saved and encountered Christ! She had a troubled past but that's what caused Christ to reach out to her! Another ''wailing women'' who was there was Joanna, wife of Cuza. Who was this lady? In Luke 8 mentioned that her husband Cuza worked for Herod Antipas as his manager meaning that she and her husband were very wealthy. She encountered Christ somehow and supported him financially. Another one is Salome mentioned in Mark and many believe she's the wife of Zebedee,mother of James and John (the beloved and reverlater) and perhaps the younger sister of the blessed Virgin Mary! That would mean that James and John were Jesus' first cousins and Salome His aunt! It's believed that she asked Christ which one of her sons would sit on His right and left in heaven! Then there was Mary the mother of James the younger (one of Jesus' disciples this wasn't Jesus' half brother. James His half brother got saved after Jesus' death and resurrection) and Joses and wife of Alpheus, and Susanna. The Bible mentions all these ladies walked with Jesus during His ministry, were He and the male disciples friends, and also were female disciples too. Then of course there was the blessed Virgin Mary mother of Christ who was there to see her Son and God's Son being crucified. I can only imagine the grief and horror that Virgin Mary and the women of Galilee must have felt seeing their Lord and the One they loved. In fact Christ addresses His mother in John 19 saying ''woman behold thy Son'' and Christ told John ''this is your mother''. Why was that important? Because in ancient cultures if an older woman had a husband who died, it was the responsibility of the oldest son or daughter to take care of the widowed mother. Well Christ was the oldest of the Virgin Mary's children (she had James the Just, Jude, Simon, Joses, and daughters!) and Christ knew He was going back to the Father and asked John the beloved and revelator, (possibly His first cousin) to take care of His mother the remaining days of her life! How thoughtful for our Lord to do that as He was dying making sure His mother was cared for. Christ also knew that the women of Galilee loved Him. The last point I want to make was John the beloved, revelator, and possible first cousin of Christ (John the Baptist was likely Christ's four or fifth cousin removed because the Virgin Mary and Elizabeth likely were second or third cousins because Elizabeth was old.) was the only make disciple at the cross with Christ! Peter wasn't there and neither were the other disciples because they hid! But the Virgin Mary and the women of Galilee stood by Christ's side at a very dark moment of His life and I'm sure it meant the world to Him. That shows how loyal they were to Christ even greater than the rest of the male disciples. That's how you know a real friend is loyal to the end! But thankfully as we know the story doesn't end with Christ's death we know He rose again and I''l share that on another blog on Easter Sunday! I hope and pray that this blog ministered to y'all and challenged us to appreciate Chris's death on the cross as well as look at the Virgin Mary and the women of Galilee differently because I don't feel they get honor like they should. Blessings to each of y'all, happy Holy week, and have a nice day everyone.
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