Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog called "Second Coming And The Millennial Reign". Why is that important? After the seven year Tribulation period the battle of Armageddon will happen with the Antichrist, false prophet, and leaders from around the world. The book of Revelations 19:11-21 mentions our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ coming back riding on the horse with the armies of heaven (raptured saints) making war against the Antichrist, false prophet, and leaders of the world against Israel. The Antichrist and false prophet will be thrown to the Lake of Fire while world leaders will be killed by the sword. After the Second Coming will be the Millennial reign. The book of Isaiah 11 talks about how the lion will lie down with the lamb, how a child will play with a snake! Isn't that something? We know that if we mess with wild animals we might get eaten alive! Before Adam and Eve sinned they were one with the Lord, each other, and animals but the fall messed everything up! But at the Millennial reign people and animals will get along and most of all the kingdoms of this world will become Christ's! Also the raptured saints and the Tribulation saints (Jewish Christians and Gentile saints they led to Christ who were martyred during the Tribulation period) will reign and rule with Christ along with the Old Testament saints! Wow! Christians from the Old Testament, New Testament/Church Age, and Tribulation saints will be reunited during the Millennial reign! Also people's life span will expand to living to 900 years! Before the flood during Noah's time, most people lived to be 900 years old! Also there won't be war or violence because our Heavenly King will rule the world! Also the Millennial reign will last for 1,000 years and the angel will put the devil in the bottomless pit during that time too! Wow! Not even the devil will be there! Hallelujah! Plus the Second Coming and the Millennial reign will be God fulfilling His promise to the Jewish people and Jerusalem will be the capital of the world! Those who refuse to honor Israel or our King Jesus will suffer drastic consequences and I don't know about y'all but that's something that I looking forward to. I also shared about this recently at my virtual Bible study for those who have been going to it. Blessings, enjoy the blog, happy Lord's day, and remember that our Savior is returning soon!
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