Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day and Happy Palm Sunday! Many of you are aware that March is ''Women's History Month'' but today I'm gonna take a break from that (kind of like I did last week Sunday when I honored St Patrick for St Patrick's Day!) and acknowledge Palm Sunday. (Don't worry I'll honor women in the Bible later in the week!) With it being Palm Sunday that means that Easter Sunday is next week Sunday! So much for Easter coming early! I mean right? Anyway Palm Sunday is the kickoff to the rest of holy week and Easter is the conclusion of holy week. Well anyway you can read in the Bible about the Palm Sunday story in four accounts Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, and John 12! I know, right? That's when Christ and His disciples headed in Jerusalem and asked the disciples to borrow a colt (baby donkey) for Him to ride on it. The disciples did so and placed Christ on the colt and He rode through the streets of Jerusalem. It's also important for you ladies to know that Christ riding through the streets of Jerusalem also fulfilled a prophecy in the Old Testament. In fact in the book of Zechariah 9;9 (a book in the Old Testament and one of the prophets) said ''Fear not daughter of Zion, behold your King is coming to you riding on a donkey's colt!'' I'm also gonna share another reason why Christ riding on the donkey in Jerusalem was significant. Back then how a king rode to a nation was a big deal. What I mean is today we have airplanes, trains, buses, cars, and sometimes boats! People did ride boats back then as well but usually when a king came to a country it was either on a horse or on a donkey. When a king came to your country (for example King David in the Bible because he was a warrior as well as a Psalmist) and he was riding on a horse, it meant that he was coming to make war! Now we know later mentioned in the book of Revelation 19 that when Jesus returns again that He along with the armies of heaven (the raptured body of Christ saints) will ride horses both us and Christ! That means when Jesus returns with His bride, He will come to make war against Israel's enemies! But if a king came to your country and rode on a donkey, it meant that he had come to bring peace and you know what? That's what Christ did. He came to bring peace between us and God the Father and with one another. Christ also is known as the Prince of Peace mentioned in the book of Isaiah. Of course we know that the crown laid coats down, waved palm branches and shouted ''Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord!'' Of course the Pharisees got offended by that and told the crowd to be quiet but Christ said especially in Luke's account. ''If they hold their peace the rocks will cry out!'' Wow! Doesn't that describe the importance of our praise that if we don't do it and this came out of our Lord's mouth, the rocks will cry out instead! I love the uptempo praise song ''I've Come To Magnify The Lord'' and there's a lyric in the song ''Never let a rock cry out in my place. He's worthy of all the praise!'' It's important to give the Lord glory, honor, and praise on Palm Sunday and always because of who He is and all He's done for us! I hope and pray that this blog encouraged y'all to be thankful for what our Lord did 2,000 plus years ago and let's honor Him especially this week as we remember His final days on earth. Blessings, happy Lord's day, happy Palm Sunday, and have a blessed holy week everyone!
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