Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are having a nice week. I'm happy to present my last blog about the End Times before we transition to the holiday season. The title of the blog is called "The Rapture Vs The Second Coming". Along of people sometimes get those events confused by I want to show you in this blog the differences of both events and know what group the Lord will be dealing with. I believe that part of the confusion for these events is a lack of study and lack of revelation is why it's been so confusing. But thank God that He brings clarity out of confusion and has raised up leaders in the body of Christ to help answer these questions. I'm blessed to say I was taught by good Bible teachers to help with this topic. With that being said let's explain the differences between the rapture and the Second Coming. Number one the rapture Christ will come in the air vs Second Coming Christ will touch the Mount of Olives. Number two the rapture Christ will come for His saints Second Coming Christ will come with His saints. Number three the rapture Christ claims His bride Second Coming Christ will come with His bride. Number four the rapture will be a time of blessing and comfort Second Coming will be a time of judgment and destruction. The rapture will be signals for the beginning of the Tribulation period while the Second Coming will be signals for the Millennial reign. Number five the rapture will happen at the end of the Church Age Second Coming will happen at the end of the seven year Tribulation period Number six the rapture will be when Christ will come as the Bright and Morning Star while the Second Coming Christ will come as a conquering King! Number seven the rapture will be the fulfillment of Christ's covenant with the Church and climax of the Church Age Second Coming will be the fulfillment of Christ's covenant with Israel and climax for them. There you have it several differences between the rapture and the Second Coming. One involves the body of Christ right now while the other deals with Israel. Despite it's differences what do both events have in common? Jesus our Lord and Savior is coming back! That's the common denominator! He's coming for both the Church and Israel at different times and He expects both groups to be ready at different times! Jesus said in the gospel of Matthew 24 He'll come when people least expect Him. May both groups (the Church and Israel) be like the wise virgins mentioned in Matthew 25 with oil in their lamps! That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Also for those who have joined my Bible study Sunday nights thank you. I really appreciate that especially since this is a topic unfortunately alot of prominent leaders and local leaders don't address the way they should. But that needs to change and I'm happy to be a vessel that God is able to use to bring His truth to light. Blessings, enjoy the blog, have a blessed week everyone, and remember Jesus is coming back!
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