Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. Many of you know that for quite awhile I've been sharing blogs about the End Times for quite awhile to go along with my virtual Bible study for those of you who were part of it this past month on Sunday nights. I believe that God put that on my heart to address an issue that I feel isn't addressed in the body of Christ like it should. Well now the holidays are upon us and I'm about to transition to themes that are holiday related now. I'm happy to present another blog called "Jesus And The Ten Lepers". You can read about it in Luke 17:11-19 where Christ was headed towards Jerusalem where He saw ten men standing alone. Why? Because those men had leprosy which was similar to chicken pox and like Covid they had to "social distancing'' because it was that contagious. These were isolated from family, friends, neighbors, from the synagogue, and not allowed to be around anyone but those with leprosy. They had to shout ''unclean unclean'' so no one got sick! What a sad way to live life! They saw Christ and shouted out ''Master please help us!'' Then Jesus said to them. ''Go show yourselves to the priests.'' That was important because when a person with leprosy went to the priest could confirm whether or not they can be released back to society after being cleansed. Well Christ told them to do that and as they went their way their sores disappeared! Another miracle Jesus did for them. No more isolation, no more physical or emotional pain. Overnight their lives drastically changed. But the Bible says only one came back to Jesus to thank Him after that happened. And get this this man was a Samaritan. Remember the story about the Samaritan woman in John 4? Well Samaritans weren't liked by the Jews and were considered ''half breeds''. (God never called Samaritans that.) Out of all the men the Samaritan man came back and thanked Christ! Jesus asked. ''Where are all the other nine? Weren't all cleansed?'' It's as though Jesus were saying ''Didn't the others ever think to go back and thank Me?'' Jesus said. ''Go your way your faith has made you whole.'' Why is sharing this story so important? Number one Thanksgiving holiday is coming up and secondly how many times have we God's people cried out to God for help when we were sick, praying for a lost soul to be saved, financial breakthrough, a job or whatever and then we forgot to thank Him? I know I'm guilty of that sometimes and I believe that this account is a good reminder for us to not forget to thank God after He answers our prayers! I know that I can get better at that and I'm sure we all can get better at this too. I'm sure you all have heard the saying always have a ''attitude of gratitude'' and the Lord even had to remind me of that recently. He reminded me to thank Him for the things that did happen this year and one of which is He enabled me to publish two books ''Strength For Enduring Adversity'' and the other ''20 Day Christmas Devotional'' which I'll share more about as the holidays approach. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. When God answers prayer, thank Him! If the answers to prayer may take longer than you planned, thank Him. With Thanksgiving holiday coming up keep those things in mind as well as doing that throughout the year. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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