Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. I'm happy to present a blog to y'all another parable from our Lord and perhaps the most famous parable of all is about ''The Prodigal Son''. Y'all can read about it in Luke 15;11-32 where it talks about a wealthy business owner father who had two sons. His youngest son as many of y'all know begged for his inheritance and the father divided unto him his living. I love how Franklin Graham, son of the late Billy Graham said. ''If any of my children begged for their inheritance I would have said. '''Drop dead you ain't getting your inheritance now''''. I definitely agree with that! The oldest son stayed back to work with the father while the youngest son squandered all his money with wild living. He was basically living worldly and soon famine occurred in the land and he worked a job feeding pigs. Now you have to understand he hit ''rock bottom'' if you will and pigs were considered ''unclean creatures'' in the Jewish culture which put him in a shameful position. He longed to eat with the pigs but noone gave him anything. Then he said to himself. '''Let me go back to my father and ask him to work as his servant. I'll tell him '''I sinned against heaven and sinned against him. I;m no longer worthy to be called your son'''. You know what? He returned home, as he was a long way off the father ran and kissed and embraced him. The prodigal son said. '''I have sinned against heaven and sinned against you. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.''' The father told his servants. '''Give him a robe, a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet, and bring a fattened calf for him and kill it. Let us celebrate. He was dead now he's alive and lost but now he's found!'' But the older brother became angry and wondered what was going on. He sent out servants to check out what was going on and stated that his younger brother returned. Then the older brother said to the father. ''Look I have been slaving for you for years and never disobeyed your orders. You never killed a calf for me so I could celebrate with my friends. This son of yours who was with prostitutes and you killed a calf for him.'' The father said. ''Son since you've been with me and all I have is yours. We should rejoice for your brother was dead and now alive and lost now he's found.'' There's so much we can learn from this parable. I'm sure we know a parent or grandparent who has a ''prodigal'' in their family. Meaning someone who once walked with the Lord but drifted away from the Lord. Some of these dear people have been praying for years for ''prodigals'' to come back to the Lord and come back home. Then sadly you got ''Christians'' who have an attitude like the older brother when they hear of someone who got ''radically saved'' or a prodigal coming back to the Lord. Sadly some of these ''Christians'' perhaps have been saved since they were kids and look down on those who once lived a worldly life now God changed them. I believe if some ''Christians'' have attitudes like this they need to repent. Also if you're praying for a prodigal to come home, don't give up praying! When a prodigal does come home rejoice! It should be the parable of ''lost sons'' because both of them were a long way off from the father. The younger son rebelled but came home but the older son I believe had a ''legalistic view'' of the father something that Christians who have been saved awhile can fall trap to. The father of course represents God our Heavenly Father who doesn't want any to perish like it says in 2 Peter 3;9 but all to come to repentance. This shows the heart of our Heavenly Father. I pray this blog encouraged y'all and hope and pray y'all have a blessed week in the Lord.
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