Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies are doing well. The title I have for the blog is called ''Our Soldiers, Memorial Day, And Mental Health''. In this blog I'll be sharing mental illness from a soldier's perspective and also reveal some interesting facts about Memorial Day. As many of you know tomorrow on Monday will be Memorial Day when we honor our troops. Here's some fun facts about Memorial Day. Memorial Day first got honored in the year 1868 by General John A Logan to remember and honor soldiers who died in the Civil War. But it wasn't until the year 1968 when Congress passed a bill to make Memorial Day a Federal holiday the last Monday in May every year! Also Congress passed a law that workers get a three day weekend from Friday through Monday during Memorial Day weekend! How cool is that! We know that our troops in the Army, Navy, Costguard, Air force, and Marines fought hard for our country and we love them and thank them. But the sad thing is after they get home from serving they often suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) homelessness, and even poverty. In fact statistics say that 7.8 % of troops suffer from poverty because of low income. Statistics also say that the highest level of PTSD from the branch of the military are from the Marine category! I'm sure other soldiers from the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Costguard have challenges but the highest one is the Marine core. I believe it's important for us Americans to always be thankful for our troops who gave their lives for our freedom but also to honor those who made it home too. We also need to take better care of our troops making sure they have affordable housing, good jobs, and they are not homeless. Most of all us being aware that they may suffer from PTSD to urge them to get help with counseling services and most of all that the gospel gets to them so they too can know that there is a God who loves them, can heal them of their trauma, and most of all that God sent His Son Jesus Christ who gave His life for their ''spiritual freedom'' as well too. Our troops who have returned home need both spiritual and practical help and let us stand and rise today and honor our troops. Let's pray that they get good jobs, not live in poverty, and find affordable housing. Let's also pray that they find the right counselor to help them work through PTSD. Why is proper counsel important? Just as ''regular civilians'' need proper counseling and help because if we don't some of us may fall prey to alcohol drugs and suicide how much more are our troops who have returned at risk for that? Most of all pray that our troops who have returned from their service (and even troopers who are currently serving right now) that they get access to the gospel of Christ. Pray that their hearts will be open to receive Christ so they can be ''soldiers in the army of the Lord'', know they can go to heaven if they were to die, and also for them to receive Christ so God can heal them from the trauma of their war. Also let's not forget ''spiritual soldiers'' who fight hard in spiritual battles. People who are pastors and even intercessors who do ''war in the spirit'' as well too. Pastors and powerful intercessors can deal with PTSD as well too and need help. Let's not forget to honor ''spiritual warriors'' who fight hard in spiritual battles too. That's what I wanted to share with you ladies. Blessings, happy Lord's day, enjoy Memorial Day with loved ones tomorrow as many of you will be off from work and school. Also remember what Memorial Day is all about and have a great week everyone.
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