Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to be back with another blog a parable of Christ (my last one since early May before I dived into ''Mental Health Awareness Month'') and this one is called the ''Wheat And The Tares''. Y'all can read about it in the gospel of Matthew 13;24-30 and verses 37-43. The story goes how a farmer sowed the good seed in the field. (Aka lots of people were farmers back then compared to now.) When evening came the farmer went to bed and rested like most of us do but when he slept an enemy came sowing tares in the field and went his way. When the farmer woke up the next day was horrified by what he saw. The seed brought forth fruit and the tares appeared. The farmer's servant asked. ''Who sowed the tares? Did you not sow a good seed?" The farmer replied. ''An enemy did this.''. The servant asked. ''Should we pull up the tares?'' ''No'' said the farmer. ''Let's make them both grow up together until harvest. During harvest time I will gather the tare bind them up in bundles and burn them but the wheat I'll gather in my barn.'' What's the interpretation of the parable? Christ gives us this answer. The one who represents the farmer is the Son of Man our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The field represents the world and the enemy that sows the seed represents the devil. The good seed represents the children of the kingdom but the tares represent the children of the wicked one. The reapers represent the angels and the harvest time represents the end of the age. The Son of Man send forth His angels to gather out of His kingdom things that offend and them who do iniquity and shall cast them into the furnace of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous shall shine forth as the sun of the kingdom of their Father in heaven. Another point I want to make about the tares growing up with the wheat, is that it's possible for people to go to church all their life but not know the Lord personally! It's possible for people to attend church who don't know the Lord and be alongside people who do go to church and do walk with the Lord! Isn't that interesting? Ever heard the old saying go. ''Going to church doesn't make you a Christian much less going to garage make you a car?'' That's something that my former pastor always used to say. I understand that today more than ever before. Why is that important? That's why it's important to be discerning as well as prayerful just because folks go to church doesn't mean they have a relationship with the Lord. That's one way to look at the tares. Another point is it's possible that tares could represent people who claim to know God but their doctrine as well as their lifestyle is off. Now let me say this. What do I mean a person's doctrine is off? For example denying the Lordship of Christ, excusing sin, ignoring the power of the Holy Spirit, taking Scripture out of context, or them living a lifestyle contrary to God. (Side note good leaders can make mistakes and repent for instance Peter denied Jesus but repented and King David repented after the Bathsheba incident.) Of course let me also say I'm not here to point fingers because anybody can get off. I pray for myself not to get off (especially since I'm a leader myself) and I pray for leaders who have gotten off to repent and not fall under God's judgment. Tares could represent ''bad leaders'' and again we need to pray for them as well as ourselves to not get off. I also say this very humbly as well too because anybody can get off. (I also refuse to mention names but again whether a leader is good or bad needs prayer. I want to emphasize it.) I know for those of us who know the Lord we definitely look forward to the time when we transition from earth to heaven. I know I do. We know that in heaven there will be no more death, crying, or pain like it says in the book of Revelation 21. We'll be with our Heavenly Father, Lord and Savior, as well as reunite with loved ones who served the Lord one earth as well too. Shouldn't that motivate us to pray to be closer to the Lord each and everyday, pray for the lost, and seek to make an impact on the world to better prepare us for heaven? Of course it should! What a benefit it is to serve the Lord knowing in the end we'll be with Him forever. That's what I wanted to share with you ladies. Blessings to each of you ladies, have a good Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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