Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog called ''The Parable Of The Ten Virgins''. Now I know it technically isn't ''wedding season'' yet, but this parable is about five virgins who were wise and five were foolish. It's from Matthew 25;1-13 and it also celebrates women who were virgins when they got married! (Revelation right?) Actually, the virgins decided to put extra oil in their lamps while the foolish virgins believed they didn't need any oil in their lamps! (Oil can also represent the Holy Spirit working in our lives.) Their bridegroom wasn't there and when it got late all ten virgins were asleep. Here's the other sad thing: the virgins who were foolish also procrastinated when they should have gone to the store with the wise virgins to gain oil. Or perhaps when the wise virgins fell asleep perhaps they could have gone to the store to buy oil so they would have been prepared! Anyhow at midnight the bridegroom arrived and the virgins woke up to meet them. The five foolish virgins asked the wise virgins for oil but they couldn't help them and went to the store at the last minute to get oil! But when they returned the five foolish virgins came with their lamps and headed to the wedding but the door was shut. They called out. '"Sir , open the door to us''. But the bridegroom stated. ''I know ye not.'' Now how does this apply to our lives today? The Bible is clear that Christ is our spiritual groom and we the body of Christ are the spiritual bride. It says that in Ephesians 5 and how our marriages are to be like Christ and the Church. (I'm believing in God for a husband!) Plus I have said this before that we are to prepare for the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb mentioned in the book of Revelation 19. We, the body of Christ, need to prepare ourselves and others to meet the Lord. Jesus said in the previous chapter Matthew 24 the unknown hour when the Son of Man will return. We need to be like the five wise virgins to prepare to meet the Lord. This parable also warns us not to procrastinate either! We need to pray for the lost and wayward not to put off their salvation either. I pray that I and the rest of us in the body of Christ will prepare to meet the Lord and put extra oil in our lamps before He comes! Also I think about how Joseph in the Old Testament became prime minister in Egypt and he put food and money away for seven years before famine occurred in the land. It's mentioned in Genesis 41 as well as the latter chapters of Genesis. Also Esther in Esther chapter 2 prepared to fall in love with King Xerxes and went through the right process to not only prepare to be his wife but also queen. What's the principle in Joseph in the Old Testament and Esther? They prepared like the five wise virgins did! That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, hope y'all enjoyed the blog, happy Cinco de Mayo, and have a blessed week everyone!
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