HI ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day y'all! I hope and pray that each of y'all and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog to y'all and it's called ''New Year New Connections''. Here I'm gonna be sharing the importance of divine connections and how it can have an impact on our lives and destinies. Ever heard the old saying go; ''Show me your friends show me your future'' and to ''Choose your friends wisely?'' I'm sure alot of us have heard our mamas or some mentors in our lives tell us that and I definitely couldn't agree more. Who we allow into our lives can either impact us in a positive or negative way. The connections we have in our lives can either lead us to Christ or away from Christ, can either push us to our purpose or lead us away from our purpose. Connections in our lives can improve our mental health or make our lives a ''living hell''! That's a fact! I want to share some ''divine connections'' in the Bible that made an impact on people's lives for the better. For instance, we know the story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz, don't we? We know that Ruth and Naomi left Moab to relocate to Israel after going through major tragedies. (Losing both their husbands and being poor.) God by His providence, connected Ruth to work at Boaz's field and she'd work for him, eventually fall in love and marry him, have a son with him, and Boaz would be the kinsman redeemer! Y'all can read about that in Ruth chapters 2-4 in the Bible. Another ''divine connection'' we can read about is when Pharaoh in the Bible in Genesis 41 had a dream about fat cows and skinny cows and fat kine and ill kine and God enabled Joseph to go from working from the prison warden and being a prisoner (see Genesis 40) to God enabling him to interpret Pharaoh's dream to becoming the prime minister in Egypt. Not only that, Joseph would help Pharaoh and the Egyptians to put food and money away during the seven years of plenty to prepare for the seven years of famine! Another example is when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the bus in Montgomery in 1955, Alabama and got arrested, she had no idea that it would get the attention of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and his colleagues, (we celebrated his birthday last week) start a ''bus boycott'', and then began the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s! My friends, those are a few of many examples of divine connections that these people had that changed the world. As you go your way today, pray to God for divine connections. Perhaps there are some new people you may need to meet this year or people you haven't seen in a long time to reconnect with. Perhaps you want to grow more in your walk with Christ, perhaps you have some goals, or undo some bad habits or whatever, believe that God is able to connect us to the right people to get us to where we need to be. (Some of us may also need to pray who to ''disconnect with'' this year too!) So that's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, have a good Lord's day, and have a blessed week in the Lord!
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