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A Couple Warrior That Has Changed The World

Sommer Kelly • Jan 10, 2024

Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. I'm kind of taking ''a break'' or perhaps changing themes altogether because today I'll be sharing something very different. Today's blog title is called ''A Couple Warrior That Has Changed The World'' and today I'll be sharing about Dr Martin Luther King Jr and his incredible wife Correta Scott King. We know that Dr Martin Luther King Jr was the son of Reverend Martin Luther King Sr who pastored at Ebenezer Baptist church for many years and that King Jr would follow in his dad's footsteps in his Christian walk, going into ministry, and standing up against racial injustice. But very few know anything about Coretta King Jr's wife. Coretta Scott King had humble beginnings and was born in Alabama in a family of six. After she graduated from high school she got a scholarship to New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts which was a big deal for blacks back then. It was while she was attending there she was going to college to study music to be a concert singer and that's where she met Dr Martin Luther King Jr! When Coretta met him she didn't ''romantically'' like him at first but overtime, she started to have feelings for him. But King Jr fell ''head over heels'' for her right away and wrote letters to his parents (they didn't have cellphones or facetime back then!) that he knew he was gonna marry her! On Valentine's day of 1953, her and Dr King Jr became engaged and married in June 1953. Their marriage lasted for fifteen years and went on to have four children Yolanda, (born 1955 died 2007) Martin Luther King 3, (born 1957) Dexter King, (born 1961) and Berniece King. (born 1963). King 3, Dexter, and Berniece are still living. Anyway, we know that this couple participated in the Civil rights movement in the 1960s standing up against racial injustice in a peaceful, God-honoring manner despite the many challenges they faced. They faced a house bombing, King Jr being arrested many times, the difficulties of being on the road, and balancing family life but they fought to make life better for not only their kids but also for other black families to get along with whites. Most of all they believed in God and cleaved to Him to give them grace to deal with the challenges of life. The King couple stayed loyal to God, to each other, to their family, and to the Civil rights movement until King Jr's assassination in 1968. When he got assassinated Coretta started the King museum and in the 1980s made Martin Luther King day a holiday! She worked for the King museum until her death in 2006 and her children take part of it as well too. What a legacy, how a godly ordinary couple that changed the world. It's my prayer that we pray to leave a God honoring legacy to bring racial unity in the body of Christ as a whole and fulfil God's dream of bringing the Great Commission to all nations! This is in honor of Dr Martin Luther King Day the day before! Blessings, have a nice day, and week in the Lord. Let's keep the dream alive! 

By Sommer Kelly 26 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. The blog I'm gonna present today is going to be a bit different. It's gonna be called "Benefits Of Good Music". Here's the thing. Have you ever heard the expression "what goes in comes out" whether good or bad? Well the same is true when it comes to music. Many of you should know that I'm a YouTuber and the majority of my videos are music related though I do business related videos or lessons from the Bible. But the majority are music video cover songs and most of them I do Christian music though occasionally I do secular music. It's important about being careful what music we listen to especially if we're Christians. Listening to music number one can lift out spirits when we're down. Number two it can bring back memories of the past. Number three most of all it can bring us to God especially worship music. Another point I want to make is I'm offering music lessons to preteens and adults who are looking to play guitar. The purpose of me doing this is to raise up more worship leaders playing guitar and leading worship in our churches or small groups especially girls and women. If you or someone you know is looking for lessons send me a message immediately and I'd be willing to help in that area. Plus I'm offering it as an affordable price and like I mentioned I want to be able to help train the next generation of girls and women to play acoustic guitar. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Tuesday, and have a blessed week everyone. .
By Sommer Kelly 24 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. Well the theme is going to be different today. The title I have for the blog is called "My One Year Anniversary As A Blogger!" Why is that significant? Well last year September 26th, I published my first blog about my women's ministry and shared it on social media by the grace of God! Not only that, many of you know that I absolutely love to write as much as I love to sing and pray! I really do. Plus there was another website that inspired me to be a blogger and I also have this belief that bloggers overtime become authors! Well ladies I'm living proof that it's true! It's been a privilege sharing with you ladies sharing lessons from the Bible on blogs or world affairs to pray about in blog form. I get to share from my heart lessons that God is showing me and how we can apply it to our lives. Not only that, I believe if God gives us a talent, He wants us to use it. I think about Matthew 25:14-30 about the "Parable Of The Talents" (I've done a blog on it before earlier this year) a parable that Christ shared about the Master hiring three men with talents before he left and only two of them used what they had while the one didn't. I'm determined to use what the Master gave me and be a good steward with what I have. One of them is to be a writer. (I do other things too such as music and teaching and I'm sure y'all know that.) I pray that each of you ladies will pray, discover, and live out what God has called you to do to impact His kingdom and impact others lives. I didn't write this blog to brag in anyway! Let's be clear about that. I'm writing it to thank God for where I've been and know that there are many more blogs to come as well. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
By Sommer Kelly 19 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. The title for this blog is called "A Desperate Woman's Faith". It's about a woman with the issue of blood mentioned in Matthew 9, Mark 5, and Luke 8. The Bible says she for twelve years was under the care of doctors but no one could heal her. She spent all the money she had until it was gone. Also she lived in isolation and couldn't go to the temple because she would have been "unclean" according to Jewish law. Can you imagine for twelve years bleeding or having another chronic illness? One day she pressed into the crowd and touched Christ's garment and was healed immediate! Of course Jesus asked who touched Him because power came out of Him and the disciples thought He was crazy. But Christ looked around and the woman explained to Him what happened. Then He said. "Daughter your faith has healed you. Go on peace". I don't know what you're desperate about today. Maybe for God to heal a loved one, financial breakthrough, for a loved one to come to Christ for justice to come. The old saying goes. "Desperate people do desperate things". I like to say "Desperate Christians pray desperate prayers." I pray that this story will encourage you ladies it's okay to be desperate and cry out of God. It's when we're at the end of ourselves is the beginning of God I heard someone say. Also be reminded that God hears our prayers and it may be answered the way we want but He always shows up. Check out my book "Strength For Enduring Adversity" on Amazon if you haven't already. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Tuesday, and have a blessed week everyone.
By Sommer Kelly 17 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog called "The Persistent Widow' s Prayer". This is another parable of Jesus that doesn't get talked about very often and it's found in Luke 18:1-8 where Christ told the disciples to always pray and not give up. Jesus in this parable shared about how a widow begged an unjust judge to give her justice. I don't know if she was taken advantage of, whether someone damaged her property, charged unfairly with taxes but for whatever reason she was done wrong seeking justice. But guess what? The judge didn't care and he ignored her! Way to show respect to your elders! But the widow kept coming day after day, week after week, month after month and possibly year after year. The widow kept coming back begging the judge until he finally said. "Okay I don't care about God or people I will see to that this widow gets justice lest her continual coming wear me out". In other words her persistent presence was about to get on his last nerve! Jesus said the interpretation. "Will God not avenge His elect who cry out day and night will He bear long with? He will surely avenge them speedily. Now ladies I'm sure a lot of us have prayed for things that possibly have taken weeks, months, and even years to be answered. Are you praying for someone to be healed, for a spouse, (if you want to marry or remarry someday) for financial breakthrough, for a loved one to come to Christ or prodigal to come home, or for revival for America? I know it's hard why it may take so long for prayers to be answered and God's timing is different from ours I pray that this parable of Christ will encourage you to pray and not give up no matter how long God may make you and I wait. I read this often to remind myself to be persistent in prayer which is needed especially these days. That's what I wanted to share with you. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
By Sommer Kelly 12 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and hope you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm about to share something a bit devastating and the title I have for this blog is "Pray For Louisiana And Mississippi". Why is it important to pray for them? Well because a hurricane has hit those states causing massive flooding, power outages, among other damages. The name of this hurricane is called "Hurricane Francine". As some of you may or may not know this is not the first or last blog I've written about hurricanes hitting different states or countries. Earlier this year I blogged about "Pray For Texas" because of "Hurricane Beryl", I wrote another blog about "Hurricane Debby" that hit Georgia and other Southern states. The last blog I wrote this year was "Pray For Puerto Rico" with "Hurricane Ernesto". Ladies that's quite a bit of hurricanes in one year affecting different borders. As I've mentioned before there have been other hurricanes in times past such as "Hurricane Sandy," "Hurricane Fema", and of course one of the most destructive hurricanes of all time called "Hurricane Katrina". In fact as "Hurricane Francine" has emerged also marks the 19th anniversary of "Hurricane Katrina" if y'all can believe that! Join hands and pray with me for the people of Mississippi and Louisiana. Pray that various philanthropists and organizations will be able to give the people food and shelter and for them to have electricity. Pray that this hurricane will cease and pray most of all that the people will see their need for Christ and come to Him. We know that it's often in devastating times that people often turn to the Lord and pray that the victims will take advantage of that time to come to Christ for the first time or wayward to come back to Him. Pray that God will restore those states especially Louisiana who has been through so much since 2005's "Hurricane Katrina". Let's also pray that God will give us wisdom how to pray or how to give if need be. That's what I wanted to share with you ladies. Blessings, have a blessed day, and don't forget to pray for those states.
By Sommer Kelly 10 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog another parable of Christ called the "Parable Of The Sheep And Goats". That's mentioned in Matthew 25:31-46. The sheep will be on the right and the goats on the left. The ones on the right He will say. "Come ye are blessed by My Father in heaven. Inherit the kingdom I prepared for you. I was hungry and you fed Me. I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited Me in. I was naked and you clothed Me. When I was sick or in prison you visited Me." The righteous will ask. "Lord when did we see You hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked clothe thee, or sick or in prison that we visited You?" The King will reply. "Whatsoever you did for the least of My brethren you did for Me". He shall say to those on His left. "Depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. I was hungry and you didn't feed Me. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. When I was a stranger you didn't invite Me. When I was naked you didn't clothe Me. When I was sick or in prison you didn't visit Me". The wicked will ask. "Lord when did we see You hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, or sick or in prison?" The King will reply. "Whatsoever you did not do for the least of these you did it not to Me". They will go away to eternal punishment but the righteous unto eternal life". It's important first and foremost to ask ourselves did I accept Christ as Lord and Savior? I'm sure a lot of us already have. Another question we should ask is are we growing in our love walk? Are we helping people outside of our family? Anyone can do these things when it's a family member but what about those outside of the family? Don't you want Christ to say well done good and faithful servant? Let's pray to have hearts that show the love of Christ in these areas so Christ can say what we did for the least of these we did for Him. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
By Sommer Kelly 05 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog called "Fall Classes For My Program". As many of us know that school started last week for public school kids and teens with the exception of private schools, Christian schools, and colleges. I would highly encourage you parents or grandparents to put your kids or grandkids in my program called "Young Lives Art Center". I offer scrapbooking, Spanish classes, and of course book club. I know that kids don't read as much as they should so for elementary school kids we read Dr Seuss books and a kids Bible. For preteens and high school students they can read an adult Bible and my book "Strength For Enduring Adversity" because that addresses hard times. For music class the youngest age I'm taking is preteen ages and the oldest I'm taking is adults! Music class is the only class I'm allowing teaching adults. So if you're a parent with a preteen or older or an adult looking for guitar lessons or want to put your kid or grandchild through the other activities check out my website for more information. You can also reach out to me on social media, my email address, or call me at (414) 640-1380. This is a faith based and virtual program and there's not many of those out there (in person or virtual) so I'd encourage you to take advantage of that and most music schools are expensive too. Blessings, good day, and hope to see y'all at my fall sessions soon!
By Sommer Kelly 03 Sep, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I'm happy that each of you ladies and your families are doing well and hope y'all had a good Labor Day and a good Lord's day. I'm happy to share another blog called "Parable Of Denarius" mentioned in Matthew 20:1-16 a story of Jesus. In this parable it's about a story about a man who hired several men to work for his vineyard early in the morning and they worked about 6 AM. In the third hour about 9 AM he hired more workers to work in the vineyard. About 12 noon he hired more workers to work for him and they did. At 3 pm he hired more workers to work for him and they did. Then at 5 pm he found others idle or unhired workers and said. "Why aren't you working?" They said. "Because nobody hired us". Then he hired those men to work for his vineyard for about an hour. Finally at 6 pm it was time for the work to end and the person who hired them paid them with a Denarius. He paid them from the last first who worked at 5 pm to the first who started at 6 AM. But the ones who received their pay last crumbled at the man thought they should have received more. They said. "These men only worked for an hour and you made them equal with us and we bore the heat of the day." The man replied. "Friend have I been wrong with you? Do you agree to work for a Denarius? Take what is yours and go. Is your eye evil because I am good?" What's the point of the story? Well some people get saved young and work for the Lord. Others get saved later and work for the Lord. Some have big ministries and some have small ministries but work for the same Master. All of us in the body of Christ will have to stand before Christ and give db account for our character, work for Him, and lifestyle. Those who were overlooked will be honored more verses those who were "supposedly important ". We will get rewards in heaven for being faithful the crowns of rejoicing, crown of righteousness, incorruptible crown, crown of life, and crown of glory. I'm living for that day and pray you are too. But the first will be last and the last first. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
By Sommer Kelly 29 Aug, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I hope and pray that y'all had a good Labor Day yesterday with family and friends. Today as many of you know that MPS students (Milwaukee Public schools) as well as many students across the nation go back to school. Side note private schools and colleges start in August but the rest of the students just came back to school. The title of the blog is "Prayer For Teachers And Students". Pray for students preschool age all the way to college students (as I am for now at least) to be good to their teachers, pray that they be safe in school because unfortunately shootings happen in school. Pray that students have the desire to learn and pass their subjects. Pray against bullying for younger students, pray for middle schoolers and highschoolers say no to temptation. Pray for college students to go in the major they're supposed to, to go in a good vocation of choice, (ministry or some other career) and not be in student debt! Pray that God will help them cover expenses for school. Pray for teachers whether preschool teachers, elementary through high school teachers, and homeschool parents. Pray that teachers will have patience with each student and pray that teachers are safe. Pray against burn out because they suffer from that and pray that students and parents will honor them like they should. Pray for college professors to believe in their students and seek to engage their lives. Most of all pray for students and teachers who are Christians to be light in a dark world and be examples for nonbelievers. Pray for me as a teacherpreneur (half teacher half business owner) to have more students, to have a good semester, and used to God's kingdom. My website is . That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings to each of y'all, have a blessed day, and pray for the school year!
By Sommer Kelly 27 Aug, 2024
Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. The title of the blog I have for today is called "Transition From Summer To Fall". Yep because it's no longer the month of August but September which means that because of fall things are changing. Also don't forget that tomorrow is Labor Day so enjoy that time off for family and friends. But after Labor Day just about every student whether preschool through college (as I am) start school though some schools have started already. Also that means things may get busier the days gradually get shorter and nights gradually get longer. Also the weather gets cooler (not too cold as Winter) dress a little warmer, and the leaves fall off the trees. I know kids like to play in the leaves while we adults have to take the leaves. Also farmers are able to harvest what they planted in the Spring and Summer is why they call it "Harvest Time". Here's the thing God created all four seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Each season brings something unique to all. You may have heard someone say they're in the "Autumn stage" of life. That means they're getting older and perhaps closer to dying. While some of us maybe sad that Summer is over (Sommer is my name lol) there's a reason for Fall. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Also if you haven't gotten my book "Strength For Enduring Adversity" get it on Amazon and share it with someone you know. Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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