Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. I'm happy to share another blog with y'all and the title that I have for this blog is called ''A Woman warrior serves''. I mentioned the blog about ''Woman Warriors Is Intimate With Jesus'' about Mary and Martha, I emphasized that a woman warrior is first intimate with the Lord and out of that serves! Well this next woman from the Bible is named Tabitha or Dorcas Acts 9;36-43 who lived in Joppa. She was a strong Christian lady and despite the fact she was a widow, she was kind hearted and was a ''kingdom seamstress'' if you will because the Bible says she made clothes that were affordable to fellow widows like herself. I find it fascinating that a Christian lady who could have been "bitter"; because she was a widow decides to use her widowhood to love and serve the Lord and others! Anyway Tabitha unfortunately became very ill and died and people called for the Apostle Peter to come pray for her. Well the Apostle Peter (yes the same Peter who denied Jesus three times, who was a fisherman, and Jesus inner circle friends mentioned in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) came to the house and asked everyone to leave the room and got down on his knees and prayed and said to the dead woman to arise! In that moment, Tabitha sat up and the Apostle Peter called for the people to come back and Tabitha was raised back to life! What a powerful story and testimony! God used the Apostle Peter's faith to raise Tabitha from the dead and Tabitha was used by God before and after her ''brief death'' and used her life as a service to others. I want for women who are divorced, singles, (as I am who have never been married naturally) or widows to be encouraged that God can still use y'all! Even the Bible talks about in 1 Corinthians 7 written by the Apostle Paul with the anointing of the Holy Spirit talks about singleness and marriage and talks about how singles have such an advantage to take care of the Lord's affairs and have unlimited time to know the Lord intimately (like Mary of Bethany) and to serve others! I would highly encourage you divorcees, singles, (those who have never been married naturally) and widows to use this time to love and serve the Lord and bless others for the kingdom like Tabitha did! If you're a married or remarried woman, God can use you too. The big idea for today is that Tabitha a woman warrior served God and others and may y'all do the same too. Blessings and have a great week in the Lord everyone!
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