Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. Many of you have noticed that my last few blogs have been me sharing about blacks who were Christians for "Black History Month'' (don't worry I have more to share) but I'm taking a brief break from it in this blog and it will be my ''Valentine blog''. The title I have for this blog is called ''Valentine's From A Christian Singles Perspective''. I know that technically Valentine's Day won't be until Wednesday but I'm sharing my thoughts about it and how people especially singles, divorcees, and widows can get through it as well too. The fact is we all know that ''Valentine's Day'' is catered to people who are dating, engaged, married, or remarried. (What I mean by remarried is people who have been widowed and remarried or divorced and remarried. That's what I mean by that.) Society and even the Church as a whole naturally caters to them and am I saying romantic relationships are wrong? No. God made romance. But my concern as I mentioned is that especially during this time of the year alot of times singles, divorcees, and widows often feel ''left out''. The fact of the matter is when I was 18 until I was 25 (I'm much older won't say my age lol) I dreaded Valentine's Day for that reason. It wouldn't be until later that God would put on my heart to start doing ''Singles Parties'' and I'll be doing that again this year. God also reminded me that there are different types of love as well too and I'm gonna share them with you. Number one is storge love which is family love. Love for parents, siblings and extended family members. Another love is called phileo love is friendship love. In fact the city of Philadelphia means ''city of brotherly love''. Then there's agape love which I call ''divine love'' unconditional/sacrificial love. We know that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to put us back in right standing with Him. We know that was sacrificial and unconditional love despite what we have done. Then there's eros romantic love a very popular love. But then there's another love called ''self love'' learning how to love yourself in a healthy way. I want to encourage singles, divorcees, and widows especially during this time of the year is f you don't know Christ come to Him. If you already know Him, let Him define your worth and let Him be your ''Valentine''. Also use this time to love and connect with others like yourself to remind you of your worth. Me doing ''Single's Parties'' had really helped me to have a positive attitude and I'll keep doing them until God reveals who my partner will be. Also celebrate God's love, friendship love, and other loves besides romantic love. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings, have a blessed Valentine's Day, and have a nice week everyone.
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