HI ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well. The title for my next blog is called ''Strong Women Endure Adversity''. Today my blog is about two known women in the Bible and they are Ruth and Naomi. You can read their stories in the book of Ruth it's after the book of Judges and just before 1 Samuel. You read that Naomi was a godly Jewish Judiast woman while Ruth was a Moabitess which means that Ruth was a Gentile. A Gentile means racially they're a ''non Jew''. Naomi, her husband Elimelech and they had two sons named Mahlon and Killion. Famine broke out in Israel and they relocated to Moab a Gentile ungodly country. While there, their sons married Ruth and Orpah. Then Naomi's husband died and the family remained in Moab for the next several years. Naomi's sons were able to take care of Naomi and their wives for awhile until they tragically died too. You got to understand back then, losing a spouse was extremely tragic. I'm sure it's hard for widows now but back then, women's husbands were the primary ''breadwinner's'' in the house and when the ''breadwinner'' died, the women were left on their own to look for someone to take care of them. That was the case for Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah because now none of them had men in the house to take care of them and I can only imagine the grief those precious ladies went through. Then Israel started bearing crops again and Naomi decided to go home and Ruth decided to come too while Orpah decides to remain in Moab. Ruth not only takes care of Naomi, Ruth also leaves her ''pagan religion'' behind to convert to Judiasm Naomi's religion to believe in Jehovah God! Ruth was poor and worked in the gleaning field but God in time would send a godly man named Boaz who was her ''boss'' who was a nice boss who helped her and Naomi. Overtime, Boaz and Ruth fell in love and the two of them got married and had baby Obed! Boaz was also able to purchase Ruth's late husbands' property as well as care for his new wife, son, and Naomi! I don't know what challenges you ladies maybe going through. You maybe a widow like Naomi or Ruth were or maybe you have gone through a divorce, death of a loved one, (parent, child friend etc.) lost a job, betrayal from loved ones or some other tragedy. Trust God's heart though you may not understand what His hand is doing. Pour your broken heart to Him and trust Him to create beauty from ashes like it says in the book of Isaiah 61. Believe that God can turn your brokenness into something beautiful. Blessings and have a great week everyone.
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