Hi ladies it's me again and hope y'all are doing well as well as your families. I'm happy to present another blog to y'all now I'm gonna switch gears a bit. The title I have is called "Numbers In The Bible". I'll be sharing the significance of certain numbers and why they are meaningful. We know the significance of the number two. The Bible says "let every manner be established by two or three witnesses". Jesus said in Matthew 18 "where two or more are gathered in His name there He is in the midst". The Bible says in "a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will be one. Then there's the number 3. The Bible talks about in Esther 4 she fasted and prayed for three days before she talked to King Xerxes unsummoned. Jonah was in the whale for three days and three nights. Jesus was consistent with the number 3. He was at the temple for three days away from Mary and Joseph when He was twelve years old conversing with the religious leaders of His day. He was in ministry for three years when He was thirty until thirty-three years old. He died and was buried for three days but then rose again! The number five is the number of grace. The number 6 is the day of man based from Genesis God made people on the sixth day and the book of Revelation talks about 666 the Mark of the Beast. 7 is the number of completion. God rested in the seventh day in the book of Genesis. The tribulation period will be seven years. The number nine is fruitfulness. The fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galations 5 and the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. The numbers 10 and 40 represents judgment or testing. There were ten commandments as well as ten plagues mentioned in the book of Exodus. The Jews were in the wilderness for forty years in the book of Numbers. Noah in Genesis was in the ark for forty days and nights. Jesus was tempted in the desert for forty days. The number twelve signified authority because Jesus chose twelve male disciples (Judas betrayed while Mathias later replaced him. See Acts for more details.) Plus there's twelve tribes of Israel. The number twenty is significant represents maturity the children of Israel who made it to the Promised land was twenty and older. After certain men and women (Joseph in the Old Testament, Deborah, Samuel, the Apostle Paul) weren't famous and real ministry until after twenty years. Number 50 is Jubilee because God commanded the Jews every fifty years for the land to rest and for them to celebrate. At last the number 8 is new beginnings. August is the eighth month of the year expect new beginnings. That's quite a list but there y'all have it. Blessings I hope this blog blessed y'all, hope y'all gained more biblical knowledge, and have a blessed week everyone.
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