Hi ladies it's me again and happy Tuesday! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. I'm happy to present another blog and it's called "New Year Don't Procrastinate". Let's be honest most of us have procrastinated doing something haven't we? Maybe we should have called a loved one but didn't. Maybe we should have resolved an argument or stopped it from getting out of control but didn't. Perhaps we got offered different opportunities like for work, starting a business, or going to college for the first time or going back to college but we put if off. Even worse maybe some of us before we became Christians maybe procrastinated giving our lives to Christ and perhaps prodigals (ones who once knew Christ as Lord and Savior but drifted away from the Lord) procrastinated in coming back to Christ. Perhaps you know Christ as Lord and Savior but He wants your walk with Him to get deeper but you're putting that off. Here's the important truth. Procrastinating is not a good thing. Another thing to remember is that God doesn't waste time. Procrastination is a time waster. The Bible mentions often the importance of redeeming the time and Jesus mentioned in John 9:4 when He was about to heal the blind man to "Work while it's day for night is coming when no man can work." The Bible mentions in Matthew 25:14-30 in "The Parable Of The Talents" that Jesus told a story about the Master hiring three men to have a certain amount of talents one man 5 talents, another man two talents, and a third man one talent. The Master would leave in a long journey and expected the three men to put their talents to use. What happened? Well the Bible says that the first and second man put their talents to use right away and didn't waste time. But the third man unfortunately didn't put to use his one talent and was careless, lazy, and perhaps procrastinated when he could have put it to use. It's important to pray ladies what things have we put off in previous years that God wants or needs for us to do? Well we know that God doesn't want us procrastinating in us getting deeper into Him I can tell y'all that for sure. God doesn't want us procrastinating in growing in godly character. He doesn't want us procrastinating in getting the gospel message out either.(The Bible mentions a lot in those areas and you can look up those Scriptures in your own time.) I know those three things for sure are things we God's people shouldn't procrastinate in. But what are other areas that you've been procrastinating in that you need to do? I'm sure it won't take long to think about that so write down whatever comes to mind, pray about it, and seek what actions to take to see to it those things get done this year. Of course the Lord will enable us to do them but we must do our part too. Be prayerful, productive and don't procrastinate. That's what I wanted to share with y'all. Blessings to y'all and have a blessed week everyone.
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