Hi ladies it's me again and happy Lord's day! I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families are doing well. Well last month February was "Valentine's Day" and "Black History Month". Well the month of March "St Patrick's Day" is coming up (I'll write a blog in his honor) but March is also "Women's History Month!" In honor of "Women's History Month" I'm gonna be sharing about a Christian white by the name of Lisa Bevere! That name should sound familiar because many of you may or may not know she's the wife of John Bevere author of books such as "The Bait Of Satan", "The Fear Of The Lord", "Heart Ablaze" "Good Or God", "Killing Kryptonite" just to name a few! The name John Bevere should sound familiar and how God has used him to impact the body of Christ and this world. But in this blog we're going to honor his wife and share her story. Her husband John was born in 1959 is the youngest of six kids (has five older sisters) and raised with happily married parents. (Both his parents became Christians in their latter years before the Lord called them home to heaven.) On the contrast Lisa was born in 1960 and was born in a dysfunctional family home. She has one brother and grew up in a home where her parents were married and unfortunately divorced twice. (Her late grandmother was married four times and divorced that many times too.) She lived in a home with constant conflict, the occult, alcoholism, and abuse were the norm. What? That was Lisa Bevere's environment? Yes it was! She later had cancer when she was five years old and had issues with one of her eyes! Wow! A cancer survivor? Yep! Lisa would make bad decisions such as drinking, getting into pornography, and be part of sexual gymnastics team! She later attended "University of Arizona" after graduating from high school in 1978 and dated lots of guys. She also was bullimic and had lack tose intolerance (allergic to dairy products) Wow! What life before she got saved! One day in 1981 she was 21 and John was at a Bible study picnic and that's where she got to hear the gospel of Christ. John who was 22 shared the gospel because he got saved two years earlier when he was twenty years old in 1979 after years of being a devoted Catholic. (As I said his late parents didn't get saved until their latter years and I believe it also was because they were devoted Catholics for many years too.) He shared from Genesis to Revelation and the Spirit of God tugged on Lisa's heart and she gave her life to Christ that day! Not only that, John urged for Lisa to ask God to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit which she did and the Lord healed Lisa from bullimic and from being lack tose intolerance! Wow! What a radical transformation! She also quit drinking, quit pornography, and quit the sexual gymnastics team as well. She did a 180 that's for sure! She and John dated that year while John graduated from college and worked as an engineer. (He later went to Bible college and graduated.) In 1982 Lisa who was 22 and John who was 23 got married and has been married for now 43 years! They later would have four sons Addison, Alec, Austin, and Ardin. All their kids are adults and many of them are married and have kids causing John and Lisa to be grandparents! But life wasn't always easy for them. They had many struggles in their early years of marriage and walk with the Lord. They had issues in their character and dealt with even abuse in their early years of marriage if you can believe that! (They reveal that in their 2015 book "The Story Of Marriage" when they share about their years of "hell" before God changed and restored their marriage!) But it was through those struggles is what would birth the walk with Christ and birth the ministry that they have today. (Lisa would have to "unlearn" what not to do in her marriage if she didn't want to make the same mistakes her late parents and late grandmother made with the help of the Lord.) Also John Bevere her husband was associate pastor at different churches before he and Lisa started "Messenger International" and before writing their own books. John started his writing journey first and later Lisa would follow him in writing and wrote her first book in 1996 called "Out Of Control And Living It". She wrote more books such as "You Aren't What You Weigh", "Nurture", "Lioness Arising", "Girls With Swords", "Without Rival", latest one "Fight For Female" to name several. She has spoken at many women's conferences and coached many people with and without her husband and has been a well respected leader in the body of Christ along with her husband. She's a woman I admire too especially for coming a long way coming from a dysfunctional household and not living for God to being a strong Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, minister, and author. That's what I wanted to share with you ladies today and hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned because there are more stories for me to write about in the month of March in honor of "Women's History month". Blessings, happy Lord's day, and have a blessed week everyone.
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