Hi ladies it's me again and happy New Year's! Whew! Can y'all believe that the year 2024 just flew by or at least it felt like it? It certainly did for me! Nevertheless I hope and pray that each of you ladies and your families once again had a good Christmas with your families such as did I. The title I have for this blog is called "Goodbye To The Old And Welcome The New 2025". Sounds nice doesn't it? Well for some of you this past year has been the best year ever. Some of you may have taken wonderful vacations, finished high school or college, maybe got married, received a promotion at work, or maybe God has answered prayers that you've been waiting on for so long. If 2024 was like that for you great. But for others of you the year 2024 has been anything but easy. Perhaps in the year 2024 maybe you lost a loved one, lost a job, struggled financially, had relational challenges, (as did I) broken dreams, and dealt with other challenges. (Side note a couple positive things did come out of the year 2024 for me. I got more subscribers by the grace of God on my YouTube channel than I did in the years 2022 and 2023. In 2022 had six subscribers on my new YouTube channel and 2023 I had 7 subscribers which meant only one subscriber in 2023. In 2024 I gained a whole lot more subscribers by the grace of God and I also released two books called "Strength For Enduring Adversity" and "My 20 Day Christmas Devotional".) Regardless if the year 2024 was a good or bad year for you I want y'all to know it's never too late start over. I used to in the past think New Year's was no big deal but actually I now treasure New Year's just as much as Christmas if you can believe that! New Year's is a wonderful time to start all over again and a time of the year to reprioritize. Is Christmas a wonderful time of the year? Of course it is! But I feel that New Year's often gets overlooked. What things are you hoping and praying for for the new year 2025? What habits do you need to change? What goals do you need to set? For some of you it maybe you praying more, being more involved in church, maybe helping others in need. Perhaps it maybe discern what relationships you have which ones are worth keeping or which ones to let go of. Maybe it's looking over what I call a "bucket list" things you said you'd do but never did. Believe me I have several things on my bucket list that's private that I pray to be able to do in the year 2025. What about God's perspective about starting over? Well the Apostle Paul through the Holy Spirit shared in Philippians 3:13 says "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things that are before". There's an old saying that goes. "The hand that no longer reaches withers". Again what things are you reaching for? Of course the Christians main goal should be to get closer to the Lord, growing more in character, and impacting lives for Him
But apart from those goals which additional ones need your attention this year? Also another Scripture in the Bible that talks about the God of the new is the book of Revelations 21:5 that says "Behold I (God) make all things new!" God promises one day to recreate a new heavens and new earth but will you allow God to recreate your life right here right now for the year 2025? I certainly am and I'm happy to get a clean slate and ready to get started! That's what I wanted to share with you ladies. Blessings, happy New Year's, and have a blessed week everyone!
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